Leading your staff with kindness and compassion is important – it can help boost their wellbeing as well as their motivation. If you are interested in developing your leadership skills, building on fundamentals like kindness, inclusion, and collabration, then take a look at the Leading to Change website. Leading to Change offers a range of leadership development programmes, opportunities and support for health, social care, and social work staff in Scotland. It is open to staff of all levels, in all roles, and at all stages of their development.
On the Leading to Change website, you’ll find a programme of events being run, mostly online, to help you connect and inspire you on your leadership journey. For details of these, follow this link. You’ll also find a number of coaching and mentoring opportunities, whether you’re interested in finding a coach or mentor, or in developing as a coach or mentor. For further details of these opportunities, follow this link.
Leading to Change emphasises the importance of leading with kindness and inclusion, and working collaboratively to ensure a thriving and resilient workforce.
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