Tips for Managing Finances
For a printable version of these tips, Download PDF here.
Plan your spend and budget – it might sound patronising but reviewing what’s coming into the household (earnings) and what’s going out (expenditure) can help identify potential savings.
Check that you and others in your household are getting the right amount of benefits you’re entitled to, including financial support if you’re off sick. If in doubt, Citizen’s Advice can help you with this.
Identify sources of help – reach out to your Employee Assistance Programme if you have one, or visit the Money Helper website.
If you need a bit of support to make sure there’s food on the table, make use of your local foodbank – visit the Trussell Trust to find out where these are.
Act now. There’s no shame in needing help so don’t wait for things to mount up, it’ll only make matters worse.
If money worries are affecting your mental health, talk to someone – a trusted friend, family member, work colleague, or your manager; they may be able to point you in the direction of appropriate support. Money worries can provoke anxiety; to help you deal with this and other feelings try one of our resources, Daylight or Silvercloud