Safety First – Psychological First Aid 

Safety First – Psychological First Aid 

Psychological First Aid (PFA) is an evidence-informed approach to help people in the immediate aftermath of a major incident. It is designed to foster adaptive functioning and coping and is based on a set of principles that we know help people to cope with and recover following emergencies. These principles are:

Psychological First Aid infographic

Examples of PFA may be:

Making sure basic needs are met whilst on shift (e.g. break times or access to PPE)

Holding in mind staff who may be more vulnerable to distress due to pre-existing difficulties with their own mental health or mounting pressures of home and work life.

Encouraging staff to use social support systems at work. Having a sense of common purpose and camaraderie at work has been shown to reduce long term impacts of responding to major incidents, including previous pandemics.

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