If this is the first time you’re working from home, the chances are you’ll be getting to grips with unfamiliar technology, setting up a work station, establishing a new routine, and in some cases juggling the multiple demands of work and child care. If you’ve worked from home before, you might be well versed in the trials and tribulations of video calls. Hopefully these won’t feel quite as daunting as they did in 2020. Remember that others in your team will have been in a similar situation, so unwanted interruptions such as children appearing, dogs barking, partners walking into the room, or the postman chapping the door are familiar to them too.
It’s important to try to find somewhere comfortable to work. That’s a lot easier said than done when working from home, especially if you’re sharing working space with family members or flatmates. Wherever you find yourself working, try to sit with a bit of back support, and keep your computer screen as close to eye level if you can. And remember to give yourself regular breaks from the screen, even just looking away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes can give your eyes a much-needed rest. The Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors have produced this handy infographic with some of the things to keep in mind when trying to create a positive and healthy home working environment.
We’ve compiled our Top Tips for Working at Home which you can find here.
For more help with home and remote working, try this site.
Staying Psychologically Well A Guide for Staff Whilst Home Working
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