Local support


COVID-19 Helpline: 01896 827575

Available to all NHS and HSCP staff, including care home staff working in the statutory, independent and third sectors in the Borders area, and volunteers supporting health and social care services.
Reciprocal arrangements are available for staff who would prefer to seek help through another Board.
Email: here4u@borders.scot.nhs.uk Phone line open: 9am-4pm, Mon-Fri
Face to face meetings available by appointment.

Staff Support and Counselling Service offers an opportunity to talk in confidence about any type of problem.
Available to: all NHS Borders staff
To self refer, email: ohsadmin@borders.scot.nhs.uk
Or tel: 01896 825982.
Service open: 8.30am-4pm, Mon-Fri.

NHS Borders intranet provides information on COVID-19 resources, including guidance, testing, PPE, practical support, FAQs, and mental health and wellbeing support.
Available to: all NHS Borders staff.

Wobble / quiet rooms offer a space for staff to decompress, catch their breath and feel calm.
Available to: all NHS Borders staff
Further information available from line management.

National Helplines

National Wellbeing Helpline for everyone working in health & social care services
Tel: 0800 111 4191

Breathing Space
Tel: 0800 83 85 87

Latest on the hub

Personal Assistants and Employers of Personal Assistants

On this page you’ll find a selection of resources which are aimed directly at Personal Assistants and employers of Personal Assistants. Our thanks go to colleagues at Self Directed Support…

Psychologically Safe Workplaces

Relational Reflective Practice

In this video series, Adam Burley discusses Relational Reflective Practice, providing an overview of what it is and how it can be used to benefit staff, managers, and patients alike….

Supporting Staff Wellbeing

Menstrual Health and Menopause Guidance

Supporting women and those who menstruate to positively manage their menopause and menstrual health at work is crucial. This may be particularly true within health and social care where women…

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