Psychological First Aid Kit

Further reading

We’ve put together some helpful resources to help you navigate
and put into practice what you’ve learned.

Understanding responses to Trauma and Stress

In this video, Gill Moreton from Lifelines Scotland explains what happens to us when we’re exposed to potentially traumatic events. In line with the biopsychosocial model, exposure to trauma can affect our bodies, minds and relationships.

The same processes shape our responses to the everyday stress of life; whether these are challenging workloads, difficult relationships, or money worries.

Understanding responses to Trauma and Stress – Lifelines Scotland

5 Ways to Wellbeing

Improving your mental health when you’re at work can feel like a challenge, especially if you work in a busy or stressful environment. But the 5 ways to wellbeing offer some simple steps which you can do every single day. This article from Mind has some ideas to help you put the 5 Ways to Wellbeing into practice.

5 Ways to Wellbeing – Mind

Work-Life Balance

A healthy work-life balance will mean different things to us all. It’s not so much about splitting your time 50/50 between work and leisure but making sure you feel fulfilled and content in both areas of your life. This article from the Mental Health Foundation can help you improve your work-life balance.

Work-Life Balance – Mental Health Foundation

What can I do if I'm not OK?

There’s lots we can do when we’re not OK and recognising that we’re not OK is the first step in getting better. This article from Lifelines Scotland helps you understand common difficulties and strategies for overcoming them.

What can I do if I’m not OK? – Lifelines Scotland

How will I know if I'm not OK?

There are a number of common warning signs that we’re not doing OK. If you can recognise and understand them, you’ll have a good chance of fixing them. This article from Lifelines Scotland can help you spot your warning signs that you might be struggling.

How will I know if I’m not OK? – Lifelines Scotland

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